Keeping You Safe
Keeping you safe mobile

We are committed to

keeping you safe

As King County is making the transition from Phase 1.5 to Phase 2, THIRA Health remains committed to full compliance with all recommended CDC, State, and Local COVID-related procedures.  Here is our current status:

  • We continue to use dedicated office space prior to the pandemic to support social distancing
  • We continue to have our administrative and treatment spaces professionally cleaned by individuals trained to provide deep cleaning for health care facilities twice daily as well as mid-day “spot” cleans
  • We continue to provide multiple opportunities for handwashing throughout the day for staff, essential visitors, and patients
  • We require patients, treatment providers and administrative staff to wear masks throughout the day
  • We continue to screen patients, staff, and essential visitors daily prior to their entry
  • All of our Intensive Outpatient Programs continue to operate via Telemental Health – you can participate fully in our evidence-based DBT Intensive Outpatient Program without leaving your home
  • We do all of our Intakes and Evaluations remotely – We can meet with you and evaluate you for admission to any of our programs via Telemental Health, again, without leaving home
  • We continue to provide our Partial Hospitalization Program in person; the PHP program is available for those who are in crisis, require higher level of care, and need in-person care in a safe, structured environment